Letting a friend use your mobile is a case of cybercrime

Kathmandu. About five months ago, Raksha Sharma (name changed) and Sushmita Tharu met while working in a cafe. After working in the same place, their relationship became closer. After becoming close friends, they decided to live together in the same room to save their expenses.

The relationship was good for some time. Gradually, they disagreed on various matters. They started arguing even in the cafe. “When we were working, he (Sharma) used to work only at me, scolded me, quarreled with me, made me angry, and then we had a general fight,” recalls Sushmita.

After a fight, they started living separately. Meanwhile, Sushmita’s friend introduced her to Nishta Dahit. Nishta’s home is in Kathmandu. She used to come to Sushmita’s room sometimes. A month ago Nishta’s mother went to the village house. Nishta, who was alone at home after her mother left, planned to stay with her friend Sushmita for a few days and went to her room.

During that, Sushmita told Nishta that she had a fight with her Raksha. “This has made me very angry,” Sushmita said to Nishta while showing Sharma’s TikTok video, “She has insulted me by going to my village. I will disrespect that too.”

Saying this, Sushmita asked for Nishta’s mobile phone. She requested Nishta to give her mobile saying that Raksha will know that she created a fake account from her mobile. Nishta reminded Sushmita that she should not do such a thing at first. She also reminded that if character assassination is done like this, the police will arrest them. Nishta tried to stop Sushmita saying that she would get trapped by creating an account from her mobile phone. However, Sushmita expressed revenge and said, “Nothing happens. What can such illiterate people do?”

Saying this, Sushmita created a fake Facebook account named ‘Maya Ma’ using Nishta’s SIM. From that account, Sushmita wrote Raksha’s phone number status and made it public. Not only that, she posted a photo of Sharma and wrote in her status, “Sexy girl. Aren’t you having fun, darlings? I’m a damn girl. Follow, enjoy your youth.”

After finding out that a fake account was created by putting obscene status on her photo, Raksha filed an application with the Cyber ​​Bureau. While investigating on the basis of her complaint, the bureau found that 23-year-old Sushmita Tharu of Bardia was involved in the incident.

On 23 July 2081, Tharu was arrested from Kathmandu and the bureau proceeded with further investigation. During the investigation, it was revealed that 24-year-old Nishta Dahit from Kathmandu was also involved. While giving a statement to the police, Nishta admitted that it was her mistake to give her mobile phone to Sushmita and let her create a fake account.

Susmita and Nishta have been made defendants and a charge sheet has been registered in the Kathmandu District Court on 12 Bhadra. In that indictment, Sushmita and Nithsha have been prosecuted for an offense under sub-section (1) of section 47 of the Electronic Transactions Act, 2063. Also, according to section 58 (a) and section 76 of the same act, compensation has also been demanded.

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