Indonesia bans Twitter’s new domain ‘’ for looking like a porn site

Kathmandu. Indonesia has banned, a social networking site formerly known as Twitter. Indonesia’s Ministry of Communications and Information has banned for online pornography and gambling.

According to the ministry, the domain was banned bec必利勁
ause it was used against Indonesia’s laws on obscenity and gambling. According to the director of the ministry Usman Konsong, the government has contacted the company to clarify about the site.

According to local media, users in Indonesia are currently unable to use Twitter. Twitter has more than 24 million users in Indonesia. Twitter owner Elon Musk recently rebranded the microblogging platform to X.

With the rebrand, the name and logo of the platform have changed. Various questions are being raised about the said logo and name. With rebranding, will be redirected to Twitter.

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