Why does the body need fiber ?

When it comes to healthy eating, fiber is not missing. It is often heard that you should eat fiber rich foods. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plant foods. It is mainly found in fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and green vegetables.

How does fiber clean the stomach?
Fiber is also known as a brush for cleaning the stomach. It cleans the stomach by pushing food stuck in the intestines. Fiber improves digestion and prevents constipation, piles, stomach problems or rectal problems. Fiber is of two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, which mixes with water to form a gel-like substance in our digestive system. It reduces the amount of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Soluble fiber found in legumes, apples, carrots, barley, etc. also helps in weight loss.

Similarly, insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. Insoluble fiber, which plays a role in filling the stomach, i.e. suppressing hunger, increases the amount of stool. Due to this, constipation, piles problems do not occur. Insoluble fiber includes wheat bran, nuts and vegetables, etc. Fiber helps to digest food well by producing good bacteria in the stomach.

What are the main sources of fiber?
Vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, legumes, fruits with peels, salads, whole grains, oats, chia acids and flax are good sources of fiber. Bro Cauli, carrots, green vegetables, cauliflower, mushrooms, green bananas are also good sources of fiber.

Fruits like avocado, apple, cauliflower, banana, orange are rich in fiber. Fiber is also found in various dishes of almonds, walnuts, pasta, chia seeds, safflower, rajma, soybeans, lentils. Corn, wheat, cumin, sorghum and brown rice are also found in large quantities. Other foods also contain very little fiber.

Why is fiber important for the stomach and digestion?
The main function of fiber is to help digest food in the stomach. It removes the problem of constipation by keeping away from the problem of constipation.

Other benefits
Fiber works effectively in cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar problems. Foods rich in fiber control blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack.

Fiber is also effective in weight loss. For this reason, doctors and nutritionists advise eating fibrous vegetables and salads to lose weight. You can include fiber rich fruits and vegetables in your diet. This will greatly help in weight loss.

Fiber controls the amount of cholesterol in the body and prevents heart disease. If the amount of cholesterol in the body is high, it can be very dangerous for the heart.

What happens if you don’t eat fiber?
Eating fiber does not mean not eating it. The foods we consume daily contain fiber, even if it is in small amounts. Constipation, rectal and stomach problems can occur if fiber-rich foods are eaten less.

How much fiber to eat daily?
Fiber should be consumed according to the age and gender of the person. In general, women under 50 should consume 25 grams, while men should consume 38 grams. Likewise, women over the age of 51 should consume 21 grams of fiber daily, while 30 grams should be consumed.

(based on online journalist Renu Twanabasu’s conversation with nutritionist Devju)

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